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MRI in Practice (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Catherine Westbrook

3.705,00 MDL
Orthopedic Clinical Examination with Web Resource (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Michael Reiman

7.185,00 MDL
First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2023, 33e (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Vikas Bhushan

4.840,00 MDL
Talley and O'Connor's Clinical Examination - 2-Volume Set (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Nicholas J Talley, Simon O'Connor

5.539,00 MDL
Boli infectioase (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Anthony S Fauci MD

4.672,00 MDL
Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Melissa Damatta, Vaishali Singhal, Susan Kantz

7.689,00 MDL
Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, Enhanced Edition: Exploring the Brain, Enhanced Edition (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Mark Bear

11.089,00 MDL
Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Richard Lange

12.179,00 MDL
Handbook of Vascular Motion (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Christopher Cheng

10.680,00 MDL
Principles of Neural Science, Sixth Edition (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Eric Kandel, John D. Koester, Sarah H. Mack, Steven Siegelbaum

9.304,00 MDL
Preventing Dementia? (LIVRARE: 7 ZILE)

Silke Schicktanz, Annette Leibing

7.361,00 MDL
Hadzic's Peripheral Nerve Blocks and Anatomy for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia, 3rd edition (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Admir Hadzic

8.785,00 MDL
Localization in Clinical Neurology (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Jose Biller, Joseph C. Masdeu MD, PhD, Paul W. Brazis

11.632,00 MDL
Clinical Epidemiology (LIVRARE: 7 ZILE)

Patrick S. Parfrey, Brendan J. Barrett

7.073,00 MDL
Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Patient-Centered Approach (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Dr. Craig Liebenson

10.059,00 MDL
Safety in Spine Surgery: Transforming Patient Care and Optimizing Outcomes (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Michael Vitale

11.865,00 MDL
Khonsari's Cardiac Surgery: Safeguards and Pitfalls in Operative Technique (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Abbas Ardehali, Jonathan M. Chen

18.025,00 MDL
Acute Kidney Injury (LIVRARE: 7 ZILE)

J. A. Kellum, C. Ronco, R. Bellomo

6.096,00 MDL
Aesthetic Rejuvenation of the Face and Neck (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Bruce F. Connell, Michael James Sundine

10.625,00 MDL
Pediatric Neurosurgery: Tricks of the Trade (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Alan R. Cohen

14.752,00 MDL
Practical Echocardiography for Cardiac Sonographers (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Daniel Shindler

6.245,00 MDL
Fiziologia si fiziopatologia echilibrului acido-bazic (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Marina Otelea

259,00 MDL
Tratat de Oftalmologie Vol. 1 si Vol.2 (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Myron Yanoff

10.000,00 MDL
Set Tratat de ingrijiri medicale - pentru asistenti medicali (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Crina Marcean

7.179,00 MDL
Harrison. principiile medicinei interne vol.1 + vol.2 + dvd (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, J. Larry Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo

11.192,00 MDL
Set 3-Volume Rezidentiat (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Parveen Kumar, Latha Ganti, Peter Lawrence

11.096,00 MDL
Operative Techniques in Breast, Endocrine, and Oncologic Surgery (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Michael Sabel

15.096,00 MDL
Oxford Textbook of Anaesthesia (Oxford Textbook), 2-Volume Set (LIVRARE: 7 ZILE)

Jonathan Hardman, Philip Hopkins, Michel Struys

3.954,00 MDL
Basic Physics & Measurement in Anaesthesia (LIVRARE: 7 ZILE)

P.D. Davis, Paul D. Davis, Gavin N. C. Kenny

2.770,00 MDL
Basic Physiology for Anaesthetists (LIVRARE: 7 ZILE)

David Chambers, Gareth Matthews, Christopher Huang

2.695,00 MDL
Kinetoterapia pacientilor in faza acuta a accidentelor vasculare cerebrale (LIVRARE: 15 ZILE)

Elena Zamora, Stefania Kory Calomfirescu, Marilena Kory Mercea

369,00 MDL
Anestezie si terapie intensiva. Principii de baza (LIVRARE: 7 ZILE)

Ioana Grigoras

510,00 MDL